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We help Australians across the nation get top tier advice to get their financial futures on the right track.

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Frequently asked questions

Have questions? Let's chat! Our experienced, knowledgable and friendly team are more than happy to assist.

Here are a few common questions though, in case you were wondering.

I have no idea about Super - what is this all about?

Perfect! This is the first step for you to get some proper licensed advice and insight into what is actually going on with your super. We do a quick check to see how things are performing, and we'll simply let you know if there are any improvements that can be made.

Our experienced Client Managers do the heavy lifting and will happily explain everything to you along the way to make it simply.

Don't be surprised if you find it interesting too!

Why should I review my Super? Don't the super companies take care of that?

When was the last time your Super company contacted you for an independent review?

While some Super companies can provide financial advice, many have been banned from doing so. And, even if they can, they will obviously only be able to recommend products that they sell (since they work for the fund).

What we do is have a proper chat with you and have an independent licensed advisor provide personalised advice specific to your needs and situation. We make it super easy.

It's should be all about what is in your best interest, not the super company's. 

How could this be of benefit to me personally?

In truth, we won't know until the experts do the research for you and come back with a written review and result. For many people the advice can be game changing.

Having said that, just by chatting to us and going through this process we very often are able to help people find out important information about their super and retirement money, as well as insurances. That information is often in and of itself immensely important or helpful in some significant way. That's why we do this.

One thing we definitely encourage you to do is to take action. Take the steps to find out, because if there is a problem with the way things are set up, the longer you leave it, the more it could be costing you.

To take the first step, book in with us today and let's see how we can potentially help you.

I'm really busy - can you do this after hours?

We are skilled professionals who work business hours just like most people. But let's talk about the bottom line - how important is your financial future to you? If it's the difference between a comfortable retirement versus not, are you willing to take time out or set time aside to take an honest look at this versus leaving it to someone else?

We help you and make the process quick, easy and easy to understand. The only way to find out is to book in an appointment and let's find out together.

Having said that in extreme circumstances where you genuinely can only do this after hours we do understand. You may be an essential shift worker or in some other role where you genuinely cannot set time aside during business hours. We can potentially make exceptions in order to assist you. Speak to the team about your needs today.

Is this about Self Managed Super?

This is not a service where we typically recommend Self Managed Super Funds to people.

Are you Financial Advisors?

Superannuation Services Australia is not a finaicial advisory and we do not provide you with financial advice ourselves.

What we do is assist you in connecting with licensed financial advisors and help to make the process of getting your Super checked on straight forward and easy to understand.

You will speak to a licensed advisor as part of your review process. The best part is we don't charge you anything for this service!

What is the cost?

There is genuinely no cost to get your Super professionally reviewed through us.

As well, any advice that is included such as recommendations for improvements made by qualified advisors come at absolutely no obligation.

If the advice you receive makes great sense to you and clearly puts you in a better position, you can hire the advisors to put their recommendations in place for you. In that case, we will explain their fees in a way that is clear and easy to understand.